
Healing begins with the heart

When the heart is present clearly in ourselves it flavors all things we do.  Everything. On our recent trip my lady and I stopped into a restaurant for our mid day meal.  Each of us ordered simple dishes; Terrie a Cesar Salad, I ordered a hamburger.  It took over 25 minutes for our food to arrive […]

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Chasing Time

I don’t know how many hours I have wasted worrying about time.  Worrying about then I will get there, where the waiter is, why my order has not arrived, and will anyone come back on the line when I am calling for support. Yes, it is indeed wasted energy because the truth is things will

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Your Magnificence

We are taught, by well meaning people to be sure, that when someone gives us praise such as “you are so beautiful” or “you have a knack for this” that we are to decline the praise.  We are taught that it is considered egotistical to say something like “yes, I am beautiful” even though we

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Walking the Path

How often have you heard someone question if they are on the right path for their life?  This is such a huge question; how DO we know that what we have chosen to do is indeed the right path for us?  There are some clues; if you have to struggle to meet the day, you

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Whose the boss?

Just who are you trying to please?  In other words, who is your boss?  Are you working to please someone else, or does your motivation come from trying to please yourself?    If we find ourselves trying to please others we will often be disappointed. This is where the phrase “what have you done for

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The Next Step

The first step in creating the life you want is to become clear on what that life would look like.  Nothing about this step includes defining how this life will come into being. The second step is to really place yourself behind your goal; to really believe you can have what you want.  Again, exactly how

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Busy, Busy, Busy

My lady, Terrie Symons, and I are making what has turned into a very deepening journey.  Initially we thought it would be an easy trip to Mt. Shasta, up to visit her family in Oregon, then a cruise along the coast home.  In setting our intentions each day to open ourselves to the beauty of

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In Our Image

Every time we address a situation we bring every one of our preconceived notions right along with us.  How we deal with new people  in or lives, how we hear others say what they say, what we expect to find in any given situation are all colored by what we have experienced in the past.

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Parallel Play

Last night after a beautiful day of travel my butterfly and I were relaxing in the hotel pool enjoying the interaction of people of all ages.  One of the Moms, watching her children play with complete strangers without conditions made the most interesting comment; “the kids love parallel play.” What she was referring to was the ability

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You get an A+

Those of us who were schooled during the 1950’s through the 80’s were schooled in the paradigm of the Industrial Age, even though the Industrial Age had long passed.  We were taught to think via specific processes; processes which served well as our country made its transition from an agricultural society to the “modern age.”  Science

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