Busy, Busy, Busy

My lady, Terrie Symons, and I are making what has turned into a very deepening journey.  Initially we thought it would be an easy trip to Mt. Shasta, up to visit her family in Oregon, then a cruise along the coast home.  In setting our intentions each day to open ourselves to the beauty of this area and find new and interesting things along the way this trip has taken on a life of its own.  

Along the way we of course come across “locals” who have become so familiar with their surroundings they no longer take a moment to appreciate all there is to see around them.  It makes me wonder how many things around our home in Southern California I have forgotten to appreciate in my own busy, busy, busy.  We have enjoyed breath taking vistas of mountain and oceanscapes, herds of wild elk along the road, and the joy of simply taking a deep breath before beginning our next experience.  

Not only has this been (and continues to be) a fantastic journey through the magic of the Pacific Northwest, it has become a wonderful reminder to take a moment each day wherever we are to appreciate the gifts we have all the time.  Such a simple reminder for ourselves to remember it does not matter where we are, there are glory, joy, peace and amazing things around us all the time.  

If you find yourself busy, busy, busy, gift yourself with a moment to appreciate what is in your own backyard.

The Involved Observer