Brian Graham

Intentions or goals?

So many books tell us we must set clear goals to be successful.  “Set those goals, make check-lists, don’t stop until you achieve the goal.”  Has this worked for you?  For me, not so much. Oh I have tried the goal thing, tried it a lot, but for me, life seems to get in the […]

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Ouch, that hurts!

Want to know where you are called to improve your life?  I don’t mean called by your boss, or your spouse, or your parents, I refer instead to the call which is inside you; the call no one else will ever hear, the call which is perhaps beyond being articulated because you do not even

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Stay in the game

I am sitting here watching the Super Bowl along with a projected 100 million other people.  On the field are two teams each longing to earn the Lombardi trophy.  Along the way to this opportunity have been literally thousands of opportunities to give-up, and each team had very good reasons to give- up, but they

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But are you happy?

Have you ever found yourself saying “I will be happy when I have enough money to pay my bills?”, Maybe you have heard yourself saying you will be happy when you get a new job, a new car, a new spouse, a new home. The truth is if you are not happy with who you

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Comparing you to me

Do we learn to compare ourselves to others, or is it an in-born trait?  Perhaps you were told “I wish you were more like your sister”, or “look at Johnny, he managed to get his homework in on time.” I guess that might lead me to believe somewhere along the line we were trained to identify our

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It’s Impossible

What is impossible?  In my world nothing is impossible, it just has perhaps not yet come about.  It was once common knowledge that it was impossible for a man to fly.  Not that long ago the idea I could sit here in my office and type a message which could be read all over the world

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Let’s rehearse your troubles

OK, let’s begin the rehearsal.  Let’s say you have planned a flight  across the country. What if the plane is not on schedule?  What if you are late, will the rental car be there?  What if it is snowing when you get there.  What if your bags get lost, what are you going to do?  What if there is turbulence in flight, will

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Countdown to greatness

You are on a countdown to greatness.  I know this of you just as I know there is air around me right now.  The only question you need to ask is this: “will my greatness appear right now, or in twenty or thirty years?” Are you prepared to accept that what you are RIGHT NOW

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It’s not you, it’s me

This line has been used so often it is now considered a joke, but if you have been following my blogs you know there is great truth in this statement. When we reach the point in any relationship, be a work relationship, a personal relationship, or a family relationship, when the existing balance no longer serves

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