Stay in the game

I am sitting here watching the Super Bowl along with a projected 100 million other people.  On the field are two teams each longing to earn the Lombardi trophy.  Along the way to this opportunity have been literally thousands of opportunities to give-up, and each team had very good reasons to give- up, but they did not quit.

Your goal might not be to play in a Super Bowl, perhaps your dream is to do something no one else might even be aware you did, but it is still your goal, which makes it just as important as playing in an NFL championships, no, let’s change that, your goal is even more important, simply because it is YOUR goal, and that is enough.

You have the tools to reach your goal right now, and those tools you might not yet have will appear at the right time, IF YOU KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE.

The secret to success is sticking to your goal.  I recently thought my next book was on hold until I could get a specific number of dollars, but I stuck with it and found there were other ways to reach my goal.  Now I am looking at having it in hand this month.  The tools I did not have arrived when I was ready to put them into use, not before.  Hang in there, Stay in the game!

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