Brian Graham

Write your own fortune

I heard this on an ad today and simply fell in love with the idea.  Write your own fortune!  Why wait for that dinner at the Chinese restaurant, do it yourself right now, have some fun! Who is your biggest supporter, and at the same time your loudest critic?  Yourself of course, so enlist your […]

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Micro to Macro

All change in your life begins with YOU.  Change does not begin with your spouse acting differently, change does not come from your boss being a nicer person.  Change does not begin with your children being more respectful or prices coming down.  Change begins with YOU, from the micro to the macro.  If you want

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Come from possible

I am going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction: no matter what the issue is you will not find a solution to that issue if you come from the place of the problem. The  only place for advancement, for resolution, for forward progress will be to come from the possible.

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The Rest of the Story

One of the reasons I write frequently about the dangers of gossip is that gossip is one side of the story.  It is one side of a story told with overlaid emotions specifically intended to get the listener to buy into the story being told.  To buy into One Side of the Story, and usually

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Live Extravagantly

You have within your power right now to live extravagantly, whatever that means to you!  Yes, right now that power is within you.  I would like to suggest how you will tap into that extravagance: Read these statements to yourself: I have the courage to self-examine my thoughts and actions without finding wrong in me. I

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Waiting Bites

So, here it is Thursday evening.  I just ordered a proof copy of my newest book called “It’s All About Me, the involved observer.” I will have to wait 120 hours before the book is due in my hands.  Waiting Bites. Do you realize how incredible it is that I am complaining about waiting 120

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I think I have lost it!

Car keys, plane tickets, pocket money, my favorite pen.  Each of these things have been lost to me at one time or another.  I search high and low, once, twice, even four or five times and they are not where I left them.  Does any of this sound familiar to you?  I think every one

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Feel the power

Sunday afternoon, instead of writing to you I spent the time with my Communications Director for Choiceful Living Seminars, Elaine, doing the final touches on my forthcoming book “It’s All about Me.” When I say “feel the power” I am thinking of that moment when we pressed the button to upload the book to the publisher.

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I am Outsider

I am all alone.  You don’t understand me.  Nobody understands me. Saturday is Valentines day and I don’t have anyone.  I am an outsider. There is nothing funny about these thoughts.  Right now hundreds of thousands of people are having these thoughts.  For some this idea of being an outsider will look just like any

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Happy Valentines Day, TO ME!

Now wait a moment before you close-down, ask yourself: what is the purpose of Valentines Day?  Other than provide a source of income for the card companies and the flower sellers, the idea behind the concept of Valentines Day is to demonstrate to someone how important they are to your happiness, and to do so

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