Brian Graham

The gift

There you are, handing over a gift to someone.  This gift has been carefully selected, thought about and given with love.  Then the receipient turns around and gives it to someone else or simply sets it aside.  You are devistated, or maybe even angry.  “How can they do that?” you ask. They can do that […]

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Drinking the Poison

Friday I wrote about disharmony and the poison it brings into our lives.  Today I want to look at other sources of that same type of poison which rots our insides and leaves almost no impression on the person who is the focus of that disharmony. UNFORGIVENESS: One of the most common poisons to which we

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United in Harmony

No, we are not going to sit around the campfire and sing ” Michael rowed the boat ashore.” What we are going to do is realize every positive relationship we have is one which is united in harmony, or united in love.  When we relate to others from the perspective of respect and honor, we are

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The dysfunctional family

This phrase “dysfunctional family” is one which has stuck in my craw for some time.  First it requires a judgment about the validity of someones life. Even if you are in that family, you only see a very narrow range of what is going on.  Second, it does not matter how the family is functioning,

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You are the Teacher

When we send our kids off to school we think the teachers at that school are going to teach our kids (or grand kids) what they need to know.  The truth is those dedicated  people in the teaching profession do a wonderful job in so many areas, but the most important lessons are not the ones

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The Banquet Table

What if you found yourself standing before a banquet table stretching from here to beyond your sight? That table is covered with every imaginable delight to your senses; every food and drink your heart could desire, in unlimited quantities, and no matter how much you chose to consume, there would always be more ready for you at

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Having new without change

Talk about an oxymoron!  To have new, to expand into our true selves change is the essential first step.  Now, here’s the kicker, sometimes change hurts. There we are rolling along feeling great that new experiences are coming into our lives when suddenly we feel the pangs of letting go of what we knew.  Ouch.  So

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I am a failure?

Full disclosure: recently someone I love and respect posted a comment about me having failed at something.  That set me to thinking about what failure looks like; here is what I came up with. 1) One might fail if they let others dictate what the best path for them might be and allow their dreams to

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You’re Right

Despite the seemingly prevailing view, saying “you’re right” does not automatically mean “I’m wrong.”  Saying you’re right simply means we see the other persons viewpoint and find something worthwhile there.  If we are in the middle of a discussion about how to drive somewhere and find the other person’s idea of the route is more

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