Brian Graham


Whether or not Albert Einstein actually uttered the words “There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is.” is not essential to this discussion  (although it would be delightful if it were true) because it does lead us to thinking about […]

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Time to get away!

This special weekend is coming up very soon.  If these blogs have piqued your interest in any way, I invite you to join us in Sedona, Arizona February 9, 10 & 11, 2018 for a remarkable weekend that will add so much to your life,  Explore metaphysical experiences, speak to an Ascended Master, improve your

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Free Stuff!

Join the Ascended Master Ashtar, Reverend Dr. Terrie Symons, UFO expert Greg Sullivan, and Gong Master Linda Lintvedt for a life-changing weekend in the wonder of Sedona, Arizona at Love, Ascension and Beyond.  The time to get your discounted pricing and eligibility for some amazing prizes is getting short, December 1, 2017 is just around

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Much of social media today revolves around our changing times.  As a result people are unfriending others, posting vitriolic diatribes and pretty much choosing sides.  What a waste!  The most powerful potential of social media is the sharing of ideas, and sometimes these ideas make us uncomfortable.  If this discomfort results in any type of

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Self Worth

Is it possible that our most common motivation for doing-or not doing- something is our own feeling of self worth?  Is it possible that, if this is indeed the case, we now have a new tool to reach our greatest possible potential?  Let me make my case. The greatest obstacle to us reaching our full

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Perfection is a simple word, but a concept of many dimensions.  On one level we are all created in a state of perfection; each unique and wonderful.  Each essential to the planet for one reason or another.  You are the perfect you.  Perfection is also as good as things get, yet we know that when

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Practice, practice, practice

You have tried every self-help program out there, and none of them have worked.  Not one single one of them has worked.  You are frustrated and ready to give up on the idea of experiencing a better life, getting more money or having a wonderful relationship.  I totally get it.  Nothing worked for me either,

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I want more

If you want more in and from your life the first thing you must do is to express your gratitude for what you already have, no matter how humble what you have may seem.  If you find yourself complaining that you do not have a new car, stop and give thanks that until now you

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Where are you going?

Head down, shoulder to the grindstone, keep plodding, don’t give up.  These are wonderful suggestions for life, that is until we discover we have been so focused on the individual steps we take in life, that we have forgotten why we are taking those steps in the first place. The parent who willingly works long

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True identity

Would you like to be able to read another persons mind?  You can, in a way, and do so with the tools you already have!   All you have to do is determine what that person desires: do they desire flashy cars and homes?  Do they desire mega money to feel good?  Do they desire

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