

We spend huge amounts of energy trying to avoid showing or feeling emotions.  In doing this we deprive ourselves of a huge amount of joy in our lives. Emotions are not bad Despite what we have been taught, experiencing an emotion is not a bad thing.  Emotions are part of our being.  They are there […]

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The Doves chorus

Our stress level is perhaps the greatest factor on our physical and emotional health.  Stress not only affects us moment to moment, but its cumulative effects come back to haunt us in so many different guises; cancers, digestive disorders, failed relationships, even our job performance.  The list of “cures” for stress grows everyday, but perhaps

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Living in the past

Sometimes we look back over our shoulders to a time in our lives when things seemed better for us and yearn for those days to return.  “They were simpler times”, we tell ourselves, “I knew what my life was about.  Today I cannot seem to get a grip on any part of my life.”  Sound

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One craves peace

The shouting and conflict that comes to us every day disrupts one thing we all seem to crave; peace in our lives.  I am referring to the kind of peace that gives us clarity about who we are, what we are expected to do and how others will behave.  Do you see the common thread

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First: Cause

How often do we get caught up in trying to treat a symptom of something without reviewing what the cause of that symptom is?  Answer: very frequently.  We treat the symptoms of a cold, such as sniffles and coughs, but we cannot treat the cause, the cold itself, which is still beyond our understanding to

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Product of the past

We are all products of our past, no matter how much we want to overcome our past, even our attempts to overcome our past defines us.  Every experience we have ever had, even those we did not necessarily experience, but just heard about, are part of our beings today.  This is something we cannot get

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Creative Beings

We are all creative beings, no matter how you look at yourself, you are a creative being.  Everything about us cries out to be creative on some level or another.  This is why destruction affects us the way it does. Destruction of buildings, habitat, relationships all affect us; for some it is a thrill, for

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Child Abuse

Those very words; Child Abuse, are an assault on the senses.  Personally I see no redeeming qualities associated with Child Abuse.  When it comes to the specific definitions of Child Abuse things get a little fuzzy, but there are some things I might consider universally recognized as abuse; berating a child, throwing things at a

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“I don’t have time to….. ”  You have heard this countless times, maybe you have even said it yourself, but stop and think about this; you and I have exactly the same number of moments in our lives, so does every other being on this planet.  Exactly the same number of moments.  The real question

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