
Solutions which aren’t

Why is it we work so hard to come up with solutions to problems only to have them fail?  Because too often we are not working on the CAUSE of the problem, we are dealing with the EFFECT of the problem. Think about going to a Doctor because we are having stomach problems.  the good […]

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Be not afraid

I heard this morning that someone has counted 365 instances in the King James Bible the phrase “Be Not Afraid.”  This makes it the most common teaching in the entire scriptures. Even if the count is off a little, the idea that we are advised to not be afraid so frequently in one of the

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I checked, and the word Comfortability is not yet in Websters Dictionary, but it should be!  Comfortability is the ability to take comfort in your life; to take comfort in love; take comfort in who you are.   Have you felt comfortability in your life lately or have you been too busy being what and

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Right or Righteous thinking

What is the difference between right thinking and righteous thinking?  Does it even matter?  Well yes of course it matters, because the goal of these blogs is to help you (and me) become more IN-powered, to live a fuller, more successful life. Right thinking is thought which comes from the truth that what I am experiencing

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Muck and Mire

Muck and Mire are what we call fear.  Muck and Mire are what we call gossip.  The result of blaming others for what we have or don’t have is also an example of Muck and Mire.  Just as we banished guilt the other day as having no place in our now, neither is there a place

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One of the most difficult truths we face as human beings is that the only constant is change.  We change jobs, we change living spaces, we change automobiles, change is all around us, change is the lifeblood of our experience, and yet we seem to either want to fight change, or we cannot wait for

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The Blame Game

Until we accept personal responsibility for our own actions, words, desire and thoughts we have but one tool in our tool chest to allow us to move forward: Blame. We blame others for the state of our lives, we blame others for the condition of our marriages.  “You ruined my (our) life, you cost me

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On your path to true IN-powerment you do not want to take any prisoners.   Does this mean you are to lay waste to anyone or anything which crosses your path along the way?  No, it means that as you walk the path to being aware of your responsibility for your own life, you do not