
Before you speak

Thinking before I speak has long been one of the things I have had on “to-do” list.  There are times my foot has been in my mouth so long it is starting to prune!  As usual, when I write these missives I am speaking as much, if not more so, to myself. Some “before you […]

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Off shore wisdom

We spend a great deal of time and effort looking for inspiration and wisdom, peace, love and prosperity outside ourselves; as though the only answers to our desires must come from an “off shore source.”  As Dr. Phil might ask; “How is that working for you?” In almost every instance what you are seeking is already within

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Healing the Healer

For almost three years I have been sharing my thoughts about IN-Powerment based largely upon my first two books; Think, Believe, Receive and It’s All About me.  A fair question you might ask is “why should I bother to heal myself when so many others with whom I associate are messed up?” The greatest reason

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Our Journey

What is the purpose of life?  Why do we walk this planet?  What is happiness?  Philosophers over the eons have pondered these questions; poets and romantics have filled countless volumes with their thoughts too.  Do you have an answer to these questions you are comfortable about?  The reason I ask is because it is my

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Integrity is a word I hear coming out of my mouth very often.  I hear it more often in my own head as I ask myself “Am I standing in my integrity about this?”.  Have you ever thought what integrity is, let alone what integrity is in your life?  We certainly cannot insist others live up to

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