
Generosity changes us

Our own generosity changes who we are.  It makes us more appreciative of our own ability to give, our own prosperity, our own kindness.  As we come to appreciate who and what we are, we have a better feeling about ourselves, which lifts our self esteem.  I am certain you can appreciate how this would […]

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A new era

These past year or so we have seen the beginning of a new era.  The opening of a new consciousness.  Funny thing is, we have seen this opening before.  I am referring to the call to stop living in fear. Living in fear When any being is living in fear it is impossible to grow.

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Beyond the beyond

There is something your want that seems beyond you right now.  Something that you believe will make your life so much better.  What is that thing?  Is it a new car?  A new house?  A relationship that fills your heart to overflowing?  Beyond that thing is the real reason you want that thing.  In your

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The last place we look

“I found it in the last place I looked.”  Now, isn’t that a funny saying?  I mean, once you found it, why would you continue to look? That being said, we spend so much time and effort looking for inspiration, peace, love and prosperity, yet we overlook the one place that is the true final

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Fighting against

Which approach do you think is the most effective– fighting against something, or fighting for something?  You might be surprised to discover that the most powerful position we can take is to fight for something if we have to fight at all. Let’s take a specific example; if I choose to fight against a woman’s

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Off shore wisdom

We spend a great deal of time and effort looking for inspiration and wisdom, peace, love and prosperity outside ourselves; as though the only answers to our desires must come from an “off shore source.”  As Dr. Phil might ask; “How is that working for you?” In almost every instance what you are seeking is already within

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But, what if…

But what if our view of a situation is incorrect; not because we are wrong, but simply because we are not seeing the whole picture?   But what if we are viewing events not as they are today, but through the lens of things that happened years ago? But what if we did not truly

But, what if… Read More »