
The Art of listening

Listening is an art, or at very least, an art form.  Most of us are sure we are very good at listening to others, but we don’t really hear them.  As an experienced public speaker I am often astounded after my talks by what others tell me they heard.  Many times I am told how […]

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I Don’t Hear You

Yes, I know your lips are moving, and I hear sound coming from your mouth, but I do not hear you because you are speaking Butterfly and I am listening as Bear, or you are speaking Bear and I am listening as Butterfly. Does this situation sound familiar?  There is no “war of the sexes,” but

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Listening Ahead

When I find myself listening to some else speak one of the things I have to remind myself not to do is to listen ahead.  Not to shut out what is being said in favor of reaching my own conclusions before the other person is finished saying what they have to say. In my book Bear

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Oscar Wilde is often quoted as saying “The English and the Americans are two people separated by a common language.”  Anyone who has the privilege of travel understands the truth in this statement.  Two people speaking the same words (or similar words) cannot understand each other.  This is exactly what my new book Bear and

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People don’t listen

When we have a problem we might go to our confidant, our priest, minister or parent for advice.  If the advice or suggestion we get is uncomfortable or asks of us something we do not want to do or is counter to what we have already decided the answer is, we turn away, we decide that the advice

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I have too often found myself listening to another person tell me about something that is happening in their lives or a problem they are experiencing, then wanting to jump right in and “fix” whatever it is.  Do you identify with this tendency? I have been told this desire to “fix things” is a male

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The Story

When we listen to others speak what we will hear is their story.  This story might be full of joy, it might be full of doom and gloom, it might be funny, or scary, it might be anything at all, but it is still a story.  To fully hear what the other person is saying

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Consistency can be a good thing, or it can be a trap.  Being someone who can be counted upon to complete tasks on time, accurately is indeed a wonderful thing. Being a person who can only do a task one way, not so wonderful.  However there is a thin line between consistency, habit and being

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