
Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned […]

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Just because I am Spiritual

I know that some people think that being Spiritual is the same as being religious.  They think being Spiritual means being blissed-out all the time, or having a strict, inflexible code of behavior I want everyone to follow.  Please allow me to attempt to dissuade you from that belief. What being Spiritual is Being Spiritual

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What is your title?

Titles are what we are given to get other people to respond to us in a certain way.  The grander the title, the more exalted we ought to be viewed, don’t you think?   The lie of the title On the surface having the title CEO, or CFO makes us more important than having the

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Levels of Consciousness

When I speak of Consciousness I am referring to how we view the world, how we view ourselves and how we view the interconnectedness of all things. Consciousness is an evolving experience, and it is a very personal thing.  We cannot judge anyone else’s consciousness, in many cases not even our own.  What is an

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How do you treat people?

People are people.  There is no appreciable difference between the CEO and the night janitor.  Yet there is a tendency to judge others with a title or position we revere with worthiness. The ranking game. If we pass a firefighter on the street, we probably don’t even notice them.  When a firestorm moves towards our

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Parallel Play

Last night after a beautiful day of travel my butterfly and I were relaxing in the hotel pool enjoying the interaction of people of all ages.  One of the Moms, watching her children play with complete strangers without conditions made the most interesting comment; “the kids love parallel play.” What she was referring to was the ability

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Liberate your Inner Child

You probably have heard about your “inner child”, that part of you who wants to run and play and blow off work, eat ice cream for dinner, and who wants to pout when you don’t get your way.  Yes, that inner child is indeed alive and well within you right now.  If you have not let

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Things I was taught

Here are some of the things I have been taught: Do not lie.  Love one another.  Do Unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Share and Share alike.  Judge not least you be judged. All these are wonderful things to be taught aren’t they?  In practice, in everyday life what actually ends up

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