
Demonizing others

The most powerful thing about demonizing others is that we create a scapegoat for our own fears.  The most disempowering thing about having a scapegoat is we no longer have to face our own shortcomings. Learning to improve ourselves With a scapegoat, or someone to blame for what makes us uncomfortable, we by-pass an essential […]

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When we submit to the seduction of the thing we no are longer acting on our own behalf, instead we become slaves to the thing. What is the thing? The thing can be a political party.  It can be big business.  Even religion can be the thing.  At the point at which we stop remembering

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The innocent remark

Throughout our lives we have been subjected to the innocent remark.  These are words that are meant to be funny, or helpful, but actually hurt us deeply.  Benign phrases such as “Wow, what happened to you?” leave us searching for what might be wrong with us.  “I can’t sing either,”  is a backhanded put-down.  “Put

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Bringing out the best

The greatest of those we call leaders have had several things in common;  they have called us forward into cooperation and called us to see the oneness in ourselves and our world.  The weakest of our leaders also have something in common; they prey upon our fears of others and play upon our lowest selves. Of course

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One can learn much from looking at the popular culture of a country, or generation.  Take, for instance, the popularity of zombies among a certain demographic of the United States.  How many movies, television shows and halloween costumes are zombie oriented?  What this reflects about this demographic (and I say this without judgement) is a

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Isn’t It Interesting

No matter how enlightened we become, or think we have become, isn’t it interesting that we can still be impacted by other peoples fears? Case-in-point; my beautiful wife Terrie and I were preparing to visit Korea.  We called the credit card companies to let them know there would be some foreign transactions and were told

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The funk

For the most part I am a very happy guy.  You have probably picked-up from these blogs that I like to live from possible and see the positive in all things.  True, and true, but last night I fell into a funk.  My beloved said something to me which was both true and very loving, but

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I Feel So Lost

Have you ever felt like you are lost in life?  Have you ever felt you have no control over what is happening in your world?  Perhaps you are not lost at all, perhaps what is happening is you have become so wrapped up in what you think others want you to do that you have

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I’m rubber, you’re glue

Remember that chant from grade school? How about “I know you are, but what am I?” How could we fully understand the truth behind these two phrases when we were but 10 years old?  Yet there it is, there is a big persons truth in these words too, although we might not want to use

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Live Extravagantly

You have within your power right now to live extravagantly, whatever that means to you!  Yes, right now that power is within you.  I would like to suggest how you will tap into that extravagance: Read these statements to yourself: I have the courage to self-examine my thoughts and actions without finding wrong in me. I

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