The Christmas wish
May you find a deeper appreciation of the power of giving and receiving love this Christmas.
The Christmas wish Read More »
May you find a deeper appreciation of the power of giving and receiving love this Christmas.
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Twenty-four hours to Thanksgiving 2018. Being a Gentile, the similarities of Thanksgiving and the Jewish celebration of Passover had not occurred to me before today. As I researched the similarities I was reminded that there is very little in our experience that does not have a precedent. Linking the celebrations Of course Thanksgiving is
Thanksgiving and Passover Read More »
What is the limit of your ability? This is one of the areas where we fall short almost every day. We underestimate just how much we can learn, do and feel. Excuses The true issue is not our ability to learn, to grow or to love, the issue is we simply don’t want to
The limit of your ability Read More »
Compromise seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird. As we revel in the silly-season of elections there seem to be few candidates, (or voters for that matter) who seem willing to hear what the other side is saying. Good ideas have no political party, no gender. As we sink deeper into the
Being in balance with what we believe is one of the most certain signs we believe what we say. Have you ever met someone who professes to believe in a particular theology, but when you ask them questions about their beliefs they get very defensive? This is a sure sign they are not in balance
How do you feel about being lovable? Is it something you would rather not discuss about yourself because you fear being seen as self-centered? Is this something you have even thought about? Perhaps you gave up on the task a long time ago? Am I lovable? Not only are you lovable, you are loved. Many of
There is nothing wrong with being wrong. There is simply no way we can know everything, every time. What we do this moment is the best we know how to do at this moment. Given the same set of choices at another moment in time we might choose to do things differently, but there ya
These past year or so we have seen the beginning of a new era. The opening of a new consciousness. Funny thing is, we have seen this opening before. I am referring to the call to stop living in fear. Living in fear When any being is living in fear it is impossible to grow.
When we hear the word love each of us has an image that pops into our heads. The discovery that love has so many aspects is often a surprise to us. Types of love. Love may first seem to us to be only the romantic version. Two people who have that indefinable attraction that
Right off the bat I want to say I do not believe in an enemy. I face the world knowing that it takes all kinds of people to make it go around. Some of these people I agree with, others I do not agree with. However, if I were to label someone as my enemy,
My enemy is my definition Read More »