
Gratitude meets indebtedness

We can feel a sense of gratitude to someone or something, but it does not necessarily have to become indebtedness.  What creates mandatory indebtedness is guilt. Guilt free gratitude You may be grateful to your High School coach who gave you the opportunity to see what you have inside yourself.  The Bank Officer who helped […]

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But HE did….

A long time ago my parents made it very clear to me that just because someone else did something, it was no reason for me to do it too.   All too often on my newsfeed I see people pointing fingers to try to justify their own thoughtless, mean and greed-driven actions by saying others

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As the old saying goes; when everyone is out to get you paranoia is just common sense.  Paranoia can be very destructive in our lives, causing us to question everyone and every thing leaving us no safe place to rest our minds.  Now, if you can get your mind around the idea that everyone is

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Purifying Fire

There are many species of trees and plants which drop seeds that cannot begin new growth without an intensive fire to open them and allow them to grow.  It is easy to look at forest fires and range fires as being needlessly destructive, until we recognize the positive effects of fire. The same is true

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People don’t listen

When we have a problem we might go to our confidant, our priest, minister or parent for advice.  If the advice or suggestion we get is uncomfortable or asks of us something we do not want to do or is counter to what we have already decided the answer is, we turn away, we decide that the advice

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The funk

For the most part I am a very happy guy.  You have probably picked-up from these blogs that I like to live from possible and see the positive in all things.  True, and true, but last night I fell into a funk.  My beloved said something to me which was both true and very loving, but

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