All There Is

Peace on Earth

Praying for peace on earth is a wonderful thing, but sitting in your room praying is not enough.  You see, there is already peace on earth, it is the actions of people that are not supporting peace on earth.  This is where we run into a duality of life; God, The Universe, All There Is, […]

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And I Didn’t Even Know

We can take pleasure from things close to us, even certain experiences.  Take for instance the pleasure you get from seeing a child smile.  There is nothing artificial about a childs smile, so it rings in our hearts clearly.  We can recognize this reaction in ourselves, but too often we do not recognize that someone

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It’s Coming True!

2017!  And all your dreams are ready to come true, but those dreams will not be delivered on a silver platter.  You must actively participate in their manifestation.  I have written often about the Universe, or God or All There Is being ready, willing and able to provide any and everything you desire, and this

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You are not there yet!

No matter how evolved your concept of the Universe, God, First Cause, All There Is, you have not even begun to grasp the full extent of its power and love of you. A five year old might think they have a total understanding of how the world works, and for that five year old, this

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Ask what you want

What would you like to hear someone say to you today? A good friend of mine named Ashtar gave me this process specifically to pass along to you so that you might experience this joy.   Step one, when you get up in the morning, decide what you would like to hear said to you today.

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