
At this moment I am halfway around the world from my home.  The plan for this morning was to have a sunrise view of the Himalayan peaks which surround the town of Pakhara but as the sun rose we saw only clouds.  Disappointment?  Perhaps, but perhaps what we experienced was exactly what we were supposed to […]

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It’s All so Amazing!

 As Terrie Symons and I travel in India we are very conscious of the truth that travel broadens ones mind.  As westerners we have an idea of what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is happiness, what is poverty, but here on the road we are challenged to open our minds to

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For the past three days my Lady and I have been in Delhi, India.  As you might expect there is so much to see, so much to do and a veritable avalanche of input in this ancient city.  One thing we have had to deal with is coming to terms with this totally different environment.  Poverty,

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Our Exulted Task

Simply put; our Exulted Task is to develop ourselves into people worthy of the gifts we have been given; to shape our lives into lives lived consciously and in the love which is our basic make-up.  How we choose to take up this task is totally up to us as individuals; no one else can

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Do Unto Others

The Good Book tells us to “Do Unto Others as we would have the Do Unto Us.”  This loving reminder seems to have taken on a different twist over the years into “Do Unto Others Before they Do Unto US!”  We cannot live both ways; either we treat others as we would be treated, or

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In the Silence

Information comes at us at such an amazing pace these days; internet, television, radio, billboards, heck, even our phones are pumping information at us constantly.  Keeping in touch with the world is not an issue anymore; keeping in touch with ourselves has become our most pressing challenge.  We can loose ourselves in the sheer volume

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Control is a wonderful thing, most of the time.  As we deepen into our Spiritual Selves we learn to control our former urges to say hurtful things, we learn to control our baser instincts, our tempers, and so many other things.  We call this good. On the flip side; if we attempt to control the

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To Give or not To Give (part 2)

 There is a Universal Law called “The Law of Multiplication” of which you should be aware.  This Law says whatever we give we get back ten times over.  Recently I wrote about giving to panhandlers.  Lets expand upon that idea.   When we give it must be without strings, there can be no conditions on

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To Give or not To Give

Every city I have been in has them; those people at the end of the freeway exits, or in the parking lots asking for money.  When we come to a stop we suddenly find something very important to do inside our car or stare straight ahead like a laser beam because we don’t want to

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What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is just one more person who decides to shed the muck and mire of the past.  One more person who is no longer willing to accept the idea that “that’s just the way it is.”   What the world needs now is just one more person who is willing to

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