
Worry, worry, worry

We worry, oh yes we do!  What will others think, what will others do, what will I do, what if this doesn’t work!  One the things we as humans do best is to worry.  Some people actually define their lives by how much worry they do.  If they do not do enough, they feel they […]

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Carry that weight

Carry that weight is not about shedding those pesky extra pounds.  It is about carrying something much more harmful to our wellbeing; hauling around the weight of other people. The savior complex Many of us believe we have to lift the load of everyone we know, and even some we don’t know but have heard

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My money

All of us worry to some degree about money.  Would you like to be financially independent? mWhen someone tells me they don’t worry, frankly, I have to wonder why they are telling me they don’t worry!  So much of our lives is devoted to earning a living.  This is not news to you, of course,

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Beyond the beyond

There is something your want that seems beyond you right now.  Something that you believe will make your life so much better.  What is that thing?  Is it a new car?  A new house?  A relationship that fills your heart to overflowing?  Beyond that thing is the real reason you want that thing.  In your

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What is Time?

Flying over the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the US time, at first, goes by quickly, then slows to a veritable crawl.  In the arms of a loved one time does not exist.  When we are on vacation, time whisks by all too quickly, so what is time? Why do we get so sideways about being

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“I don’t have time to….. ”  You have heard this countless times, maybe you have even said it yourself, but stop and think about this; you and I have exactly the same number of moments in our lives, so does every other being on this planet.  Exactly the same number of moments.  The real question

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