

Have you noticed that when you say something like “I am tired” what you feel is that you are even more tired?  If you say “I am fat” all you can see about yourself is fatness?  How about when you say “I am ready to go.”  Your energy is higher, your outlook is brighter.  “I […]

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Where there is no trail

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote; Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.”  Ponder that for a moment or two, what does it mean to you?   For me it means recognizing that I may not be everyones cup of tea, heck I am certain

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Mental Hygiene

Through our years on this planet we have thought many thoughts, been taught many things, and believed many others.  Some of these thoughts no longer serve us well, yet there they are; buried in our subconscious, still acting out as if they were our real beliefs today, even if we would scream in denial if

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Do Unto Others

The Good Book tells us to “Do Unto Others as we would have the Do Unto Us.”  This loving reminder seems to have taken on a different twist over the years into “Do Unto Others Before they Do Unto US!”  We cannot live both ways; either we treat others as we would be treated, or

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Divided by Words

Which poet said the English and Americans are divided by a common language?  Let’s take that a step further, we Americans are separated by a common language too.  It is the subtlety of the use of our language which divides us. If I say “I love you” that can mean about a half a million things!

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The Story

When we listen to others speak what we will hear is their story.  This story might be full of joy, it might be full of doom and gloom, it might be funny, or scary, it might be anything at all, but it is still a story.  To fully hear what the other person is saying

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The Blame Game

Until we accept personal responsibility for our own actions, words, desire and thoughts we have but one tool in our tool chest to allow us to move forward: Blame. We blame others for the state of our lives, we blame others for the condition of our marriages.  “You ruined my (our) life, you cost me

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Making Resolutions

New Years Eve! Isn’t it interesting we use the word “resolution” for both completing something, and also for setting intentions for the future?   If you are someone who reserves December 31 of each year to set your resolutions for the next year, as many do, consider this: If your resolution is to stop doing

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Words have power

“I have a 9:00 meeting with the staff and I am going to have to battle to get their attention” If this is how you go into your 9:00 meeting, guess what, even if everyone is on your side, even if everyone agrees with you, your impression is going to be that you had to

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