
What is Time?

Flying over the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the US time, at first, goes by quickly, then slows to a veritable crawl.  In the arms of a loved one time does not exist.  When we are on vacation, time whisks by all too quickly, so what is time? Why do we get so sideways about being […]

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Shifting responsibility

When we are “shifting responsibility”  it means trying to place blame on someone else through carefully crafted wordsmithing.  Call it what you wish, placing the blame on someone else to get us off the hook is bad ju-ju.   Look around you, you know someone in your circle who is very skilled at shirking responsibility for

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Starting at the Top

As we set our intentions for what we want to be, do and have being clear is essential; clear to the point of actually envisioning ourselves doing, being or having.  But it is not enough to vision our dreams and dream of ourselves in that place, there are also steps to take to actually being

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Chasing Time

I don’t know how many hours I have wasted worrying about time.  Worrying about then I will get there, where the waiter is, why my order has not arrived, and will anyone come back on the line when I am calling for support. Yes, it is indeed wasted energy because the truth is things will

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I can’t do it!

No one on this entire planet can keep us from doing anything we choose, except ourselves.  And, we are sooooo good at keeping ourselves from achieving our goals with two very small words; I Can’t. Once we utter those words we are done. More often than not what we are really saying is “I won’t.”  I

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If I let go

What would it look like if you just let go?  Just let go of your expectations about how things should work, who should be in charge, when something is supposed to happen.  What if you let go of trying to make things happen, and instead simply get a goal in mind, then trust that the

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