
Gratitude meets indebtedness

We can feel a sense of gratitude to someone or something, but it does not necessarily have to become indebtedness.  What creates mandatory indebtedness is guilt. Guilt free gratitude You may be grateful to your High School coach who gave you the opportunity to see what you have inside yourself.  The Bank Officer who helped […]

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Your Memorial

When it comes time for your memorial service, what will people say about you?  Will their words be of someone who devoted their life to living and service?  How would you like to be remembered?   Admittedly, the topic of death and memorial services is not one most people want to spend much time looking

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In memory of…

This Monday we in the U.S. will be in memory of those who have died for our country; Memorial Day.  This holiday may go back as far as ancient Greece, at least the idea of recognizing those who have fallen in service to their countries.  As for America, 1866 is the first recognized observance, and

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What’s in Store?

What is in store for 2017?  That is the question on most people’s minds, I think, right now.  I have done some contemplation and crystal ball gazing on this topic and I would like to share my insights about the coming year. Seventeen things 2017 will bring you; A deepening of your Spirit and Oneness

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Thanks Giving

 Do you do the tradition where just before you dig into the mounds and mounds of food on the Thanksgiving table you go around the group and say something for which you are thankful?  Have you ever felt like a deer in the headlights when it is your turn to say your part?  Perhaps you

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Freedom means different things to us each moment.  At one moment it may be freedom to be where we want when we want, at other moments freedom means the ability to choose our spiritual path, and on and on. I would like to propose another idea of freedom; the freedom to walk our paths without the baggage of

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Why does doing something for someone else make us feel so good?  Seva, the Sanskrit word for service to others may help us understand.  You see, doing for others, lending a helping hand, paying a toll for someone else behind you, even taking out the garbage for an ailing neighbor, is demonstrating our recognition that we are,

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