
The call upward

  We plan our days, we live in the now, we take responsibility for all we do and say (or don’t do and don’t say.)  In short, we do our best to do our best.  Then something happens; we watch a movie, we hear a song, perhaps we hear a remark in passing, then suddenly […]

The call upward Read More »

How do we define ourselves?

Do we define ourselves by what we think others are or are  not?  Do we define ourselves by how many others have harmed us?  Do we define ourselves by the burdens we carry, our responsibilities?  All these are very transient definitions, so when we finally learn that no one has truly harmed us more than

How do we define ourselves? Read More »

Good or Bad?

Is taking time to read this blog good or bad?  Is your boss good or bad?  Is the relationship you are in good or bad? Was the traffic on the way to work today good or bad?  Was your choice to change your workplace or relationship good or bad? The truth is now, and always

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