

Almost twenty years ago on the Seinfeld show Frank Costanza demanded “Serenity Now!”  The  quest for serenity is not new, and most of us have found it in one form or another along the way.  Moments of serenity may seem to require a great deal of planning, but they don’t! Finding “it” On a recent […]

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Where are you going?

Head down, shoulder to the grindstone, keep plodding, don’t give up.  These are wonderful suggestions for life, that is until we discover we have been so focused on the individual steps we take in life, that we have forgotten why we are taking those steps in the first place. The parent who willingly works long

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What is your limitation?

I don’t have any limitations, you say.  I am unlimited in all things.  Yes, yes you are unlimited in all things, and when we get to the point in our evolution where we have embodied this truth to the fullest extent possible we will indeed have not limitations.  Right now, however, no matter how evolved

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The Need for Approval

Here’s one of those things I am not all that proud about; my quest for approval.  Know what I mean?  When you know what is the right thing to do yet you do something else simply because you believe it is what someone else wants?  Not a great feeling is it. Humans are, by nature,

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The Box

“Think outside the box” we have been told time and time again, and there is no question that powerful insights can be reached outside the box, the difficulty then is to get your insight to work inside the box!  I know of several visionaries who have come up with ideas which could re-shape the world

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Constant and change

I recently heard some very interesting words; “The actuality of our being changes, our reality of being remains the same.” This is an concept to put into your mind and let it percolate for a while, but in the meantime let’s look at it.  As we go about our daily lives what we are doing,

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