

This is it!  One week to go before Christmas gifts are due to be opened.  Perhaps this weekend you plan to do your final shopping (or, like me, begin my shopping!)  so let’s take a moment and think about the gifting. Just for a moment imagine you go out looking for a present, the perfect […]

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You Are Perfect!

Now just hold on a moment, what do you mean I am perfect; my hair is too…. my legs are too…. my income is …….. I don’t have that someone special in my life, what do you mean I am perfect?  But you are perfect.  Tomorrow your hair might be exactly the way you want

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Anxiety as our friend

When we are feeling anxious about something we can look upon that anxiousness as a friend because that anxiousness is inviting us to look at what is going on in our lives.  This is especially true when that anxious feeling is non-specific. You know what I am talking about; that low grade unease in the

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I am in a relationship

Today’s reality is that we right click on pre-selected categories:  single, married, separated, and the ever popular, “it’s complicated.” We have allowed ourselves to be defined by what are simply generalities, when in truth we, each of us, you and I, are far from generalities.  Do you understand that you and I, through the very

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