You Are Perfect!

Now just hold on a moment, what do you mean I am perfect; my hair is too…. my legs are too…. my income is …….. I don’t have that someone special in my life, what do you mean I am perfect?  But you are perfect.  Tomorrow your hair might be exactly the way you want it, your income may double or triple or more, that someone special might just knock on your door, but no matter if any of these things happen, YOU ARE PERFECT right now.

You are perfect for this very moment, for what you have to learn and experience.  If you were any other way than the way you are right now, none of those other things could happen tomorrow or the next day or the next year!

Now I realize this may seem to be a rose-colored glasses way of looking at things, but what is wrong with rose colored glasses?  The option is looking at the world through storm clouds.  When we choose to look for the best in our lives, we find the best in our lives, and what you think of your life at this moment actually creates what your life is!  This is a fact you have probably experienced yourself many times, but continually forget to put into practice.  We are taught to look for our shortcomings or be thought of a vain.  Ask yourself; who would think you vain?  Do you honestly care what they think of you?  Isn’t it more important what YOU think of you? That other person does not have to live in your skin, you do.  There is no need to rub someone else’s face in the fact that you are choosing to create a happier life, you can do it quietly right now because YOU ARE PERFECT!  

The Involved Observer                                   Think Believe Receive