
The call upward

  We plan our days, we live in the now, we take responsibility for all we do and say (or don’t do and don’t say.)  In short, we do our best to do our best.  Then something happens; we watch a movie, we hear a song, perhaps we hear a remark in passing, then suddenly […]

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Practice, practice, practice

You have tried every self-help program out there, and none of them have worked.  Not one single one of them has worked.  You are frustrated and ready to give up on the idea of experiencing a better life, getting more money or having a wonderful relationship.  I totally get it.  Nothing worked for me either,

Practice, practice, practice Read More »

Magical Thinking

Simply put; magical thinking is believing that if I behave in alignment someone else’s idea of how I should behave my life will be wonderful.  All too often we fall into this trap, heavens knows I have done so many times.  The problem is magical thinking rarely produces anything other than resentment. The other side

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How do I love me?

Is there someone special in your life? Someone who is the focus of the upcoming Valentines Day celebration?  Or, are you one of the many people for whom love is simply an interesting concept which one day might find its way into your life?    You may think these two groups are totally different, one having someone,

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