
Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned […]

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Living beyond instinct

Animals live almost exclusively by instinct.  They find food, protect their young and reproduce instinctually.  Isn’t it beautiful?  We, as humans however, have a much broader range of possibilities at our fingertips than simple instinct.  We can reason, compute and build.  Right now, it seems, many people are living at the basest level of life.

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From here, I look good!

As we travel our individual paths to ascension we often find ourselves thinking “As far as I know, I am a delightful person!”  Unfortunately, from others we are hearing quite a different story.  Our immediate reaction may be to bless them and their ideas, and move on.  Or, we may feel hurt or angry about

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Being Wrong

There is nothing wrong with being wrong.  There is simply no way we can know everything, every time.  What we do this  moment is the best we know how to do at this moment.  Given the same set of choices at another moment in time we might choose to do things differently, but there ya

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It’s Greek to me!

Communication between individuals, regardless of gender, can be one of the most challenging aspects of our lives.  Ofen well-intended words can be mis-intreperted and result in anger or hurt feelings.  What can we do about this? Often the reason our words are not heard is that we are speaking from different energies; I refer to

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Listening Ahead

When I find myself listening to some else speak one of the things I have to remind myself not to do is to listen ahead.  Not to shut out what is being said in favor of reaching my own conclusions before the other person is finished saying what they have to say. In my book Bear

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The Unfiltered Heart

The Unfiltered Heart comes from learning to understand that everyone who comes to your attention, everyone who comes through your life, is there for a purpose.  That purpose is to be part of you becoming what you have set as your goal.  They are there in answer to your prayers, dreams, hopes and every thought

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You are the leaders

You, yes you are the leaders on this planet.  I make this claim because here you are, taking time to learn, to grow, to listen to other ideas which you will then merge with your own ideas to become a more effective leader.  Many who would ask us to let them be our leaders spend

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I am a failure?

Full disclosure: recently someone I love and respect posted a comment about me having failed at something.  That set me to thinking about what failure looks like; here is what I came up with. 1) One might fail if they let others dictate what the best path for them might be and allow their dreams to

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