
What’s in Store?

What is in store for 2017?  That is the question on most people’s minds, I think, right now.  I have done some contemplation and crystal ball gazing on this topic and I would like to share my insights about the coming year. Seventeen things 2017 will bring you; A deepening of your Spirit and Oneness […]

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Busy, Busy, Busy

My lady, Terrie Symons, and I are making what has turned into a very deepening journey.  Initially we thought it would be an easy trip to Mt. Shasta, up to visit her family in Oregon, then a cruise along the coast home.  In setting our intentions each day to open ourselves to the beauty of

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Parallel Play

Last night after a beautiful day of travel my butterfly and I were relaxing in the hotel pool enjoying the interaction of people of all ages.  One of the Moms, watching her children play with complete strangers without conditions made the most interesting comment; “the kids love parallel play.” What she was referring to was the ability

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Increase your inner world

There is pure magic in increasing your inner world, and by that I mean the part of you which is more capable of giving and receiving love, the part of you which knows you are worthy of all the good the Universe has to offer.  The magic is that the more you increase your inner world,

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Whose path is this?

I loved my mother and father, and they loved me, for that I am grateful.  Yet I often wonder these decades since they left this planet  what they would think of the path I am walking in my life right now.  The simple truth is that it does not matter how they would be viewing

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Our Journey

What is the purpose of life?  Why do we walk this planet?  What is happiness?  Philosophers over the eons have pondered these questions; poets and romantics have filled countless volumes with their thoughts too.  Do you have an answer to these questions you are comfortable about?  The reason I ask is because it is my

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Getting there

My sweetheart Jeannette and I have had this discussion many times, and Henry Miller is quoted as saying it so well: “One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things.” Too often we get caught up thinking that the whole purpose of life is to achieve a goal. That is an example

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But are you happy?

Have you ever found yourself saying “I will be happy when I have enough money to pay my bills?”, Maybe you have heard yourself saying you will be happy when you get a new job, a new car, a new spouse, a new home. The truth is if you are not happy with who you

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