first Cause


As the old saying goes; when everyone is out to get you paranoia is just common sense.  Paranoia can be very destructive in our lives, causing us to question everyone and every thing leaving us no safe place to rest our minds.  Now, if you can get your mind around the idea that everyone is […]

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Who Am I?

The question is; how do we define ourselves?  Do we define ourselves by how many people we have charmed?  Do we define ourselves by the burdens we carry or our responsibilities? Do we define ourselves by our jobs, our cars, our homes, our income? None of these definitions truly answer the question “Who Am I?”

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You are not there yet!

No matter how evolved your concept of the Universe, God, First Cause, All There Is, you have not even begun to grasp the full extent of its power and love of you. A five year old might think they have a total understanding of how the world works, and for that five year old, this

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Try and try again

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.”  How many times have you heard this sage advice during your lifetime?  There have been times when someone has said this to me and I have gotten sooooo frustrated.  “I have tried, and tried, and tried again and still its not working! Though my own

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