
Living in the past

Sometimes we look back over our shoulders to a time in our lives when things seemed better for us and yearn for those days to return.  “They were simpler times”, we tell ourselves, “I knew what my life was about.  Today I cannot seem to get a grip on any part of my life.”  Sound […]

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But, what if…

But what if our view of a situation is incorrect; not because we are wrong, but simply because we are not seeing the whole picture?   But what if we are viewing events not as they are today, but through the lens of things that happened years ago? But what if we did not truly

But, what if… Read More »

Who is our Tribe?

Tribes are not limited to Native Americans, we all have Tribes of some kind.  These Tribes shift, blend, disappear then re-emerge as needed.  As events unfold in and around our lives we find ourselves identifying with one Tribe or another.  This  may a Tribe which is cheering for a High School football team, or, like

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Our memories are fiction

Yes, our memories are fiction; fiction created by our minds to reconcile our experiences with our ability to perceive.  When I think back to my early childhood I have a limited number of memories.  I remember wandering free in our neighborhood, going to the Swan Boats in Boston with a neighbor, watching Godzilla on a

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Did you get it?

Well, did you get it?  Did you get that something special you hoped was under the tree for you?  Did you get the appreciation for those gifts you lovingly purchased and prepared you hoped to get?  Did Christmas and the events surrounding Christmas Day fill you with joy and wonderful memories? I truly hope you

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I think we all have a tendency to want to understand what is going on around us.  I will go even further to suggest that it is the feeling we do not understand what is going on which is the most frightening and maddening aspect of life.  Unfortunately it is this desire to understand events

Simplification Read More »