
Drama Now

Here is a fun fact: we cannot live in our dramas and still live in the now. What this statement means is that we all experience dramas in our lives. Drama is  energy which swirl around our lives but serves only to create discord within us, energy which make us feel badly about who we are,

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The power of being upset

Some of us spend quite a bit of energy attempting to not be upset at anyone or anything.  I have to ask; why? Harmony is not the absence of discord.  I offer the example of western music verses Japanese traditional music.  To the western ear Japanese music is simply discordant, not so to those who

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Just what are we?

We, you and I, and every other creation is energy.  That energy vibrates at specific levels, which produces what we see as ourselves.  Because we are energy, we are subject to the ups and downs of energy supply, just like the power grid which supplies our homes.  Many of us have installed energy efficient lighting

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