
Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned […]

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Feeling alone

The feeling of being alone is the most frightening experience we can have.  For most of us, every moment of every day there are people around us.  Sometimes these people are within our personal space, sometimes they are beyond the walls of our homes, but there are always people around.  Yet even the the realization

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What is your title?

Titles are what we are given to get other people to respond to us in a certain way.  The grander the title, the more exalted we ought to be viewed, don’t you think?   The lie of the title On the surface having the title CEO, or CFO makes us more important than having the

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Relationship relief

When I was given the assignment to write Bear and Butterfly, THE relationship handbook by Ascended Master Ashtar I wondered what in the world I could add to the myriad of thoughts and words already published on the subject of relationships.  Haven’t we seen and heard all there is to say already?  I thought so,

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Communication Breakdown

Talk is cheap, so they say, and it is true; words come easily and abundantly, the problem is no matter how many words we use we may not be communicating.  This lack of communication is not simply because others are not listening, it is because they cannot hear us. In my book Bear and Butterfly

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You are the leaders

You, yes you are the leaders on this planet.  I make this claim because here you are, taking time to learn, to grow, to listen to other ideas which you will then merge with your own ideas to become a more effective leader.  Many who would ask us to let them be our leaders spend

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Say nothing

“If you don’t have anything  nice to say, don’t say anything.” I can still hear my mother saying that to me even though decades have passed since I last heard her voice.  It is still good advice today, for you and for me both.  Yet for some reason we seem to have the need to

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