
The root of suffering

According to Buddha the root of all suffering is attachment.  Many people have the mistaken impression that attachment is limited to being attached to our material things, but it is more wide ranging. What is suffering? Suffering is that mental anguish which accompanies the drama of life.  Drama is the after effect of trying to […]

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Living in compassion

What is compassion?  How do we effectively live in compassion?  As defined in Websters Dictionary, compassion is sympathetic, consciousness of others distress.  Websters goes on to clarify that this consciousness is coupled with a desire to alleviate it.   To be sympathetic and conscious of another person’s distress is a wonderful thing.  Wanting to help alleviate

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There is always more

Why is it so important to find a positive outlook on life?  Because there is always more, that’s why.  If you constantly see doom and misfortune around yourself, there is always more.  If you, on the other hand, constantly see love and joy around you, there is always more too. A balanced life does not

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Dabbling in Drama

Some of us think we can dabble in the drama of other peoples lives and walk away unscathed.  They actually think they can control a situation which is, by definition, out of control.  Since I have the soap box for a moment here, my suggestion is that drama, our own, and especially other peoples, is

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Suck ’em up!

No, this is not about enjoying a brew on the beach on Maui (although that sounds great.) What I want to discuss is those people in our lives who live through being emotional vampires.  I think you know the person I am speaking about; they call at all hours demanding you listen to their angst,

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I have too often found myself listening to another person tell me about something that is happening in their lives or a problem they are experiencing, then wanting to jump right in and “fix” whatever it is.  Do you identify with this tendency? I have been told this desire to “fix things” is a male

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The Great Conspiracy

Sometimes it feels like everyone, and I mean everyone, is out to get us.  People are working in the background to sabotage our work, steal the credit for our work, and to just make our lives miserable.  I will not say that this is never true, however most people are so busy covering their own

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D.O.P.E. part 2

As I was saying, DOPE is all around us, the tendency to define ourselves by how much information we can disseminate, how much of a reaction we can get for that dissemination, as well as the bond such information seems to create between ourselves and others are all factors in the addiction to DOPE. Even

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