

We all face disappointment sooner or later.  The job we wanted goes to someone else, our children don’t behave as we would like them to, the relationship we thought would be “the one” vanishes in a cloud of acrimony.  We get used to these disappointments most of the time and move on, but sometimes disappointment

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I Feel So Lost

Have you ever felt like you are lost in life?  Have you ever felt you have no control over what is happening in your world?  Perhaps you are not lost at all, perhaps what is happening is you have become so wrapped up in what you think others want you to do that you have

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I am the expression of new

Affirmations can be a powerful way to change our lives.  I use affirmations as a matter of course whenever I find myself speaking in limiting terms about myself, the traffic, the weather, another person, almost anything. Change is another place where affirmations can be helpful.  I am the expression of new can be a very

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