
It’s their lesson

One of the most difficult things we have to do, especially as parents, is watch someone we love learn a lesson.  We want those we love to have only positive  experiences as they go through life, so we want to meddle.  We want to ease their way, but sometimes the best thing we can do […]

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It’s easy for you!

It is easy for you if you think it will be easy for you.  It is difficult for you if you think it will be difficult for you.  These are two very simple statements that will govern everything you do.  The reason they sound so simplistic is that truth does not have to come in

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The Need for Approval

Here’s one of those things I am not all that proud about; my quest for approval.  Know what I mean?  When you know what is the right thing to do yet you do something else simply because you believe it is what someone else wants?  Not a great feeling is it. Humans are, by nature,

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Nothing can come from nothing; everything must come from something, so when we say “that came out of nowhere” we are mistaken.  If we say “I had nothing to do with that experience coming into my life,” we are mistaken.  Everything must come from something, so what would that something be?  That something is our

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Messages of Love

Is there anything more wonderful in our lives than love?  Is there anything more difficult in our lives than love?  Love is one of the most difficult of emotions/experiences we humans have, for the simple reason that we tend to overthink the whole thing and miss the point. Love can be an experience; by this

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