
Our Teachers

In my forthcoming book It’s All About Me, the Involved Observer, I write about teachers in our lives.  Those we had in the classroom, and those teachers who are around us every day. The every day teachers might look and sound like great irritants in our daily lives.  Yet these are the most powerful teachers […]

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The Me within Me

My inner child wants to come out and play.  The me who is a public speaker wants to be heard.  The me who is a proud Grandpa wants to express love for my grandchildren. Those are just three of the entities within me.  How many are within you?  It is so important to recognize which

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Where is your focus?

How much of your time do you spend thinking about what is not working, or working as well as it might, in your life?  Now, ask yourself how much time do I spend thinking about things which are going very well in my life.  Do they balance out?  Are you spending more time thinking about stuff

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But is it true?

Yesterday I was going through my e-mail and found a message telling me that a certain public representative was supporting pornography in schools, denying parents the right to visit the classroom, and closing out public input on school curriculum.  Well, that got my attention. .  It was well written, it got my blood pumping; (there

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Celebrate your Quirk!

Has anyone ever told you that you were weird? If so, how did you react?  Did you hope no one else noticed your quirk?  There is much to be said for ‘fitting-in’ , and most of it is said by people who want you to behave the way they want you to behave. If you have a

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