Brian Graham

On-line scams

On-line scams are out there, and yes, even spiritual people can be drawn into the craziness.  The power of these things is that somewhere inside ourselves we want something for nothing.  The trap for spiritual people is that we tend to look at the world from a place of love rather than suspicion. Jaded vs […]

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Valentine wishes

Here we are, Valentines Day 2018.  No other day of celebration is more associated with love, and heartbreak than this. I hate this day! Oh yes, you will hear many people saying they hate Valentines Day.  Some will be people who have no significant other in their lives to bring them candy, flowers and beautiful

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Taking the next step

Our minds can only take us so far in this journey we have embarked upon, the rest takes the heart.  Our mind will help us resolve simple questions.  It will help us balance our checkbooks, but it will not resolve the most pressing issues of our lives.  That takes the heart.  While so many things

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My money

All of us worry to some degree about money.  Would you like to be financially independent? mWhen someone tells me they don’t worry, frankly, I have to wonder why they are telling me they don’t worry!  So much of our lives is devoted to earning a living.  This is not news to you, of course,

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The innocent remark

Throughout our lives we have been subjected to the innocent remark.  These are words that are meant to be funny, or helpful, but actually hurt us deeply.  Benign phrases such as “Wow, what happened to you?” leave us searching for what might be wrong with us.  “I can’t sing either,”  is a backhanded put-down.  “Put

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Paying for it again

How many times do we find ourselves paying for what we have done?  I have to honestly admit that in the past I have done things that would have sent me to jail had I been caught.  I have not always treated others as I would like to have been treated either.  The question is;

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The change in our lives

Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said “There is nothing more constant than change.”  As with so many of these precious old sayings, this message resounds though our lives on so many levels.  What we think about change, what we believe about it, is what we receive. A source of sadness. Letting go of things we know

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The gateway to joy

The only true gateway to joy is the one you open yourself.  This is your invitation to open that gateway at Love, Ascension and Beyond in Sedona, Arizona.  In only two weeks you can do just that!  Join Ascended Master Ashtar and Trance Channel Terrie Symons.  Hear the wisdom of the Universe and lift your

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Sometimes the path ends

Sometimes you are zipping through life and the path ends.   All the things that seemed to be going so well suddenly seem to be difficult.  You are think you are alone. This happens everyday. Why the path seems to end. I was walking a labyrinth today, enjoying the bliss of meditation when I came

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My friend Ashtar

One of my dearest friends happens to be an Ascended Master by the name of Ashtar.   Ashtar is channeled by my beautiful bride, Terrie Symons.  Terrie and I will be in Sedona, Arizona on February 9, 10 & 11 with an event called Love, Ascension and Beyond.  I will be talking about better communication

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