Brian Graham

A clear message

While a wonderful public spirited energy is manifesting in our nation, what is missing is a clear message.  No one wants our school children to be at risk of being gunned-down at school, I think we can all agree on that.  But when people take to the streets to get this message across, it is […]

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Building a relationship

You want to build a relationship.  Everything you do is about building a relationship with that special someone; the dating web sites, the mixers, you name it, but alas, nothing has happened yet.  I admit it, there are like a bizzillion suggestions out there on the topic of relationships.  In this one blog there is not

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Almost twenty years ago on the Seinfeld show Frank Costanza demanded “Serenity Now!”  The  quest for serenity is not new, and most of us have found it in one form or another along the way.  Moments of serenity may seem to require a great deal of planning, but they don’t! Finding “it” On a recent

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When we submit to the seduction of the thing we no are longer acting on our own behalf, instead we become slaves to the thing. What is the thing? The thing can be a political party.  It can be big business.  Even religion can be the thing.  At the point at which we stop remembering

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A new era

These past year or so we have seen the beginning of a new era.  The opening of a new consciousness.  Funny thing is, we have seen this opening before.  I am referring to the call to stop living in fear. Living in fear When any being is living in fear it is impossible to grow.

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An example to the world

When it comes right down to it, most of us do not think we are an example to the world.  We probably don’t even think we are an example to our neighborhood.  But you are! How you shine. It doesn’t matter how many people you actually meet each day.  You may meet dozens, or hundreds,

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Carry that weight

Carry that weight is not about shedding those pesky extra pounds.  It is about carrying something much more harmful to our wellbeing; hauling around the weight of other people. The savior complex Many of us believe we have to lift the load of everyone we know, and even some we don’t know but have heard

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Discovery of love

When we hear the word love each of us has an image that pops into our heads.  The discovery that love has so many aspects is often a surprise to us.   Types of love. Love may first seem to us to be only the romantic version.  Two people who have that indefinable attraction that

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The Father figure

The Father figure, in our society tends to be viewed as the aloof disciplinarian.  Father, or men, have been taught that displaying affection is forbidden.  As a consequence, men think they have to avoid displays of love.  The roots of this idea go far back in our DNA.  So far we no longer take time

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Greed is bad.  We have been taught to think that all our lives, but what is greed to me may not be greed to you.  Greed is a judgement call at best.  It is what you believe. For some people greed is having more money than they do.  Many people consider it greedy if another

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