
What is Time?

Flying over the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the US time, at first, goes by quickly, then slows to a veritable crawl.  In the arms of a loved one time does not exist.  When we are on vacation, time whisks by all too quickly, so what is time? Why do we get so sideways about being […]

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Be Impeccable

Know how it is; you read a book at some point, enjoy the message, then put it away for awhile, then you are called to open that book again?  Well that happened with me recently.  Four or five years ago I read “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.  Its a wonderful book book with

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Be the pebble

You are probably very familiar with the concept that when you drop a pebble into a pond it will produce ripples which emanate from the central point.  You are also most likely aware that this is how ideas and changes spread; from a central point outward to the community at large.  These are great thoughts,

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