

Anyone who has written a blog knows what keywords are.  They are the words that help search engines to find our material.  If someone is searching for information about, say, vegetables pretty much anything that is written that contains the word vegetables is searchable.  What you may not have noticed is that we as humans […]

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What is Time?

Flying over the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the US time, at first, goes by quickly, then slows to a veritable crawl.  In the arms of a loved one time does not exist.  When we are on vacation, time whisks by all too quickly, so what is time? Why do we get so sideways about being

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Defending Myself

It seems to me that almost every conflict stems from feeling the need to defend ourselves.  I say “feeling the need” to defend ourselves; very often there is no need to defend ourselves, it sometimes just feels that way.  This stems from an insistence that we must be right and someone else must be wrong.

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To Give or not To Give

Every city I have been in has them; those people at the end of the freeway exits, or in the parking lots asking for money.  When we come to a stop we suddenly find something very important to do inside our car or stare straight ahead like a laser beam because we don’t want to

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Increase your world

Increase your inner world and your outer world cannot help but also increase.  Increase only your outer world and nothing much about you will change. We have discussed in many blogs how accumulating stuff will not increase your feelings of self worth and joy.  This is another way to approach the same topic with perhaps a

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Our Journey

What is the purpose of life?  Why do we walk this planet?  What is happiness?  Philosophers over the eons have pondered these questions; poets and romantics have filled countless volumes with their thoughts too.  Do you have an answer to these questions you are comfortable about?  The reason I ask is because it is my

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Perfection or Excellence?

The Rayne Water shop near my home posts great thought starters on their message board along the freeway, and this was a recent post: “Don’t Strive For Perfection, Strive For Excellence.”  What a great realization this can be; if each and every time we so something we strive for excellence.  Only excellence you ask? Well

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I am Outsider

I am all alone.  You don’t understand me.  Nobody understands me. Saturday is Valentines day and I don’t have anyone.  I am an outsider. There is nothing funny about these thoughts.  Right now hundreds of thousands of people are having these thoughts.  For some this idea of being an outsider will look just like any

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Our Costumes

Tonight many of us will open our doors to hob-goblins, ghosts and ghouls of countless descriptions.  Do you recall that the purpose of wearing these costumes can be traced back to the tradition of one night a year, wearing on the outside what we are afraid of on the inside?  Many of us are afraid of

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