
The root of suffering

According to Buddha the root of all suffering is attachment.  Many people have the mistaken impression that attachment is limited to being attached to our material things, but it is more wide ranging. What is suffering? Suffering is that mental anguish which accompanies the drama of life.  Drama is the after effect of trying to […]

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True identity

Would you like to be able to read another persons mind?  You can, in a way, and do so with the tools you already have!   All you have to do is determine what that person desires: do they desire flashy cars and homes?  Do they desire mega money to feel good?  Do they desire

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First: Cause

How often do we get caught up in trying to treat a symptom of something without reviewing what the cause of that symptom is?  Answer: very frequently.  We treat the symptoms of a cold, such as sniffles and coughs, but we cannot treat the cause, the cold itself, which is still beyond our understanding to

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People don’t listen

When we have a problem we might go to our confidant, our priest, minister or parent for advice.  If the advice or suggestion we get is uncomfortable or asks of us something we do not want to do or is counter to what we have already decided the answer is, we turn away, we decide that the advice

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A recipe for happiness

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, that’s what the Bill of Rights say are our rights are as Americans.  Life; well I presume you have that.  Liberty; you chose to read this, so we are good there, but what about happiness?  Here is my simple recipe for happiness; ask yourself every night; “how am

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