
A rush to judgment

It seems to me that today, the entire industry of providing news is predicated upon encouraging a rush to judgment.  Now, I get that there is so much competition to be the first to break a story, to be the first to get an interview that caution is often thrown to the wind when it […]

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My enemy is my definition

Right off the bat I want to say I do not believe in an enemy.  I face the world knowing that it takes all kinds of people to make it go around.  Some of these people I agree with, others I do not agree with.  However, if I were to label someone as my enemy,

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What Have We Learned?

There is nothing which happens that does not have a positive lesson somewhere within.  This week in America is no exception.  So what have we learned?  We have hopefully learned that the so-called experts in politics know little, if anything, more than you and I know.  Time has moved on and they are living in

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