

Almost twenty years ago on the Seinfeld show Frank Costanza demanded “Serenity Now!”  The  quest for serenity is not new, and most of us have found it in one form or another along the way.  Moments of serenity may seem to require a great deal of planning, but they don’t! Finding “it” On a recent […]

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The Unfiltered Heart

The Unfiltered Heart comes from learning to understand that everyone who comes to your attention, everyone who comes through your life, is there for a purpose.  That purpose is to be part of you becoming what you have set as your goal.  They are there in answer to your prayers, dreams, hopes and every thought

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Monkey Mind

Monkey Mind the voices in our heads which chatter on endlessly about stuff which distracts us from being productive or at peace. You know what I am talking about, those voices which tell us repeatedly how so and so is making our lives difficult, that if this would happen our lives would be so much better,

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