
Discovery of love

When we hear the word love each of us has an image that pops into our heads.  The discovery that love has so many aspects is often a surprise to us.   Types of love. Love may first seem to us to be only the romantic version.  Two people who have that indefinable attraction that

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Our relationship to life

We define relationship as involvement with something or someone else. There are two kinds of people.  The first kind of person thinks there are two kinds of people.  The second kind knows there are as many kinds of people as there are people!   For the first group life must be defined as “Them or

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What is “grounding”? Grounding is a process whereby your soul and your spirit are balanced.  When you are grounded life moves so much more smoothly; irritations are fewer, discord is felt less, relationships are more fulfilling and you feel you have a real place in this world.  As with most things which have to do with

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How do I love me?

Is there someone special in your life? Someone who is the focus of the upcoming Valentines Day celebration?  Or, are you one of the many people for whom love is simply an interesting concept which one day might find its way into your life?    You may think these two groups are totally different, one having someone,

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