
The hot button

What really ticks you off is your hot button. We all have something that can set us off, why I bet even Buddha had something. There is nothing wrong with having a hot button if, and I mean if, you recognize when it has been pushed. Once you are able to recognize one of your […]

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From here, I look good!

As we travel our individual paths to ascension we often find ourselves thinking “As far as I know, I am a delightful person!”  Unfortunately, from others we are hearing quite a different story.  Our immediate reaction may be to bless them and their ideas, and move on.  Or, we may feel hurt or angry about

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And I Didn’t Even Know

We can take pleasure from things close to us, even certain experiences.  Take for instance the pleasure you get from seeing a child smile.  There is nothing artificial about a childs smile, so it rings in our hearts clearly.  We can recognize this reaction in ourselves, but too often we do not recognize that someone

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Ritual and Pageantry

For many years I was the guy who scoffed at ritual. I had no use for those practices which required participants to dress a certain way or assemble in a certain manner.  Fortunately I have lived long enough to outgrow this resistance.  What about you? Through my travels I have witnessed the power which comes from

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This is it!  One week to go before Christmas gifts are due to be opened.  Perhaps this weekend you plan to do your final shopping (or, like me, begin my shopping!)  so let’s take a moment and think about the gifting. Just for a moment imagine you go out looking for a present, the perfect

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I’ve got an idea!

I’ve got an idea!  This is the greatest idea ever, it will save the company (or our family, or our program) so much!, then you present the idea and it falls on deaf ears, it is like we are speaking a dead language.  How deflating that can be, and often we respond with anger, or

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