
That’s just the way it is

If you want to stop dead in your tracks in your happiness, say the words “That’s just the way it is.”  Saying these words (and as we know, words have power) means you are not willing to even consider that things could be different. My belief is that real change will not take place in […]

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Once again I urge you to be aware of what is going on in our country today, but be easy with the events because through this seeming chaos comes change. As uncomfortable as this time might be we know we are going through a profound time of change, and change is seldom a comfortable experience.

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I am done

What would it look like if right now we all stopped and declared “I Am Done!  I am done being accommodating to hate, fear, racism, bigotry, and the quest for personal power.”  That would be a powerful statement indeed!   Those of us who walk this planet clearly knowing that Love is the most powerful

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