
The Age of Wind

  The age of wind begins today, depending upon what part of the world you find yourself.  Honestly, this is the first time I have heard of this age, but I am told it is akin to the Age of Aquarius.  From what I have heard as the great conjunction takes place in the skies […]

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I see you

Connecting with people requires us to go far beyond simply seeing that there is a person in front of us.  In the movie Avatar “I see you” was the greeting the People used with each other.  Think about that; when you look at another person do you actually see them, or their appearance?   Appearances

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A Smile

You might think I am going to write something like “a smile increases your face value” or something like that, but I am not.  You see smiles come in so many ways, some are external, some are internal, some are for show, some smiles come out in a performance, in a job well done or

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