
I see you

Connecting with people requires us to go far beyond simply seeing that there is a person in front of us.  In the movie Avatar “I see you” was the greeting the People used with each other.  Think about that; when you look at another person do you actually see them, or their appearance?   Appearances […]

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Explain God

How to explain God.  Theologians have been attempting to do this since the dawn of time (see my book Think, Believe, Receive) with varying degrees of success. To attempt to do so in 300 words is a fools errand.   There is no explaining God. Even the concept has sent armies to war countless times.

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Greed is bad.  We have been taught to think that all our lives, but what is greed to me may not be greed to you.  Greed is a judgement call at best.  It is what you believe. For some people greed is having more money than they do.  Many people consider it greedy if another

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We are pretty good at recognizing hostility when it is directed at us, heck sometimes we even imagine hostility coming at us when there is none.  But what about the hostility we direct at ourselves?   Yes, we can be hostile to ourselves.  Sometimes the hostility is overt; “You fool, you overlooked that.”  Sometimes our

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