
Magical Thinking

Simply put; magical thinking is believing that if I behave in alignment someone else’s idea of how I should behave my life will be wonderful.  All too often we fall into this trap, heavens knows I have done so many times.  The problem is magical thinking rarely produces anything other than resentment. The other side […]

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To Reason

Essentially there are two ways to reason; from wonder and awe (curious) or through rationality.  When we reason through wonder and awe we are like the child; open to possibility.  When we reason through rationality we often overlook the wonderful things life has to offer. Obviously there are times to stand in wonder and awe,

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A Smile

You might think I am going to write something like “a smile increases your face value” or something like that, but I am not.  You see smiles come in so many ways, some are external, some are internal, some are for show, some smiles come out in a performance, in a job well done or

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